About Music Policy Forum

The Music Policy Forum is a nonprofit organization that serves three goals.

  • Advise governments, organizations and businesses on how effective engagement with the music community can advance their objectives, including from strategic planning, coalition building and campaign management

  • Curate conferences, retreats and other events that build cross sector networks and connect dynamic working musicians with policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders who are eager for authentic engagement with that community.

  • Resource activist musicians who are interested in learning more about issues, how they can effectively engage in the policy process and build power through collaboration with other musicians and advocates.

The Music Policy Forum Summit brings together several hundred musicians, researchers, policymakers, industry and nonprofit leaders, and other stakeholders into a wide-ranging exploration of some of the most promising and exciting thought leadership in the music and policy space.

The People

Co-founders include Michael Bracy, Amy Terrill, Ashlye Keaton, Anna Celenza, Kate Becker, Kwende Kefentse, and Gene Meneray. Board Members and Music Policy Forum leaders and contributors include musicians Dessa and Erin McKeown, researcher Michael Seman, organizer Kevin Erickson, tech entrepreneur Jacoby Dubose, Music Canada Live Executive Director Erin Benjamin and New Orleans Jazz Museum Director Greg Lambousy.